The biggest annual architecture festival opens this Saturday, and the Royal Docks is one of its four hubs. Feeling spoilt for choice? Here are some places to begin.
How the Royal Docks' logo harks back to its nautical history.
History was made as the two new Woolwich ferries began operations transporting passengers and vehicles back and forth across the Thames.
Piles of a brown and white sandy substance rise higher than the average house and then some.
Amid the horrors of war, there are also always tales of remarkable escapes.
Meet the extraordinary founder of Newham Chinese Association.
Factories brought employment into the neighbourhood, and with them came the smell.
What better way to celebrate 140 years of refining sugar in the Royal Docks than a 15 layer cake?
The Royal Docks once drew people and produce into the capital from all over the world. As the docks become a hive of activity once more, here’s a look at the city’s industrial heartland.