Community news
City Hall relocation and works update
The Greater London Authority (GLA) is working hard to convert The Crystal into the new home of City Hall, the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. This includes external works around the building and in the Crystal Gardens that form part of the GLA’s land.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused as a consequence of these works. The GLA has attempted to reduce the impact on local residents, including planning the outside works to take place following the Kid's Summer Splash 2021.
The use of temporary hoarding in this location is required to minimise any health and safety impacts to the public, including from groundworks which would create a hazard to the public if the area were to remain open. The safety of the public around this construction site is our highest priority.
We intend to keep the disruption to a minimum and the hoarding will be removed as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to get in touch at cityhallrelocation@london.gov.uk.