Community news
Enhancing the Food & Beverage offer in the Royal Docks: Tender Opportunity!
The Royal Docks Team is launching an innovative food and beverage (F&B) programme and will shortly be seeking a specialist delivery partner to develop a 5-year strategy and supporting programme aimed at enhancing the quality and accessibility of amenities in the local area.
A robust and healthy food and beverage sector will be at the heart of the Royal Docks’ regeneration, providing the thread that knits together placemaking, wellbeing, food security and skills development. Collaborating closely with local community and business partners will be essential to shaping this ambitious initiative, which has the potential to make a significant and lasting impact on the prosperity and liveability of the area.

Aligning with both the Mayor of London’s Food Strategy and the Mayor of Newham’s Community Wealth Building agenda, the programme will focus on delivering tangible benefits to residents, businesses and visitors. It will support a range of business models that address good growth and promote an equitable and sustainable food system, providing a catalyst for addressing sectoral opportunities and challenges, while supporting communities’ food security aspirations.
The programme will include the opportunity for at least one major capital project (subject to a successful application to the Royal Docks Good Growth Fund application) and could include working with partners to develop affordable food marketplaces, community café developments or urban agriculture, (potentially at scale), while supporting and growing the existing F&B business ecosystem.
For more information - Expression of Interest: Royal Docks Food & Beverage Strategy
The formal tender is expected to go live at the end of June. To register your interest and to receive updates please email royaldocks@london.gov.uk