Art & Culture
Create Your Docks: events and activities
Don’t miss out on the last few events and activities, that are being delivered by local community organisations as part of this year’s Create Your Docks. There’s the West Silvertown Foundation Interfaith Diwali event on 29th October or Jewellery making workshops, delivered by ReCyrcle Dock, to mention a few.
Throughout the summer and autumn, several local community organisations planned, designed and delivered a brilliant programme of events and activities, that helped to activate and celebrate the Royal Docks’ public spaces, as well as bring different communities together. Projects ranged from theatre workshops, film screening, and immersive theatre performances to live demonstrations of recycling waste into useful projects.
Create Your Docks has enabled me to engage local families through process art in a way that I didn’t think would be possible in my first year of running Waymakers Kids.
Local resident and mum, Cheryl Adamos Noutch
You can read more about the projects funded through Create Your Docks here but in the meantime we’d like to give a shout out to Waymaker Kids, which saw 850 plus people join in with their process art painting activity. Local families with children and young people, helped create incredible artworks inspired by the environment of the Royal Docks, which then went on to be displayed at ‘Art in the Docks’ an artist led gallery space, in Royal Albert Wharf.
Waymaker Kids is an arts organisation that exists to support families with children to develop expression and build new community relationships through story-based art activities. The organisation was founded in December 2021 by local resident and mum, Cheryl Adamos Noutch.
Cheryl said:
"Create Your Docks has enabled me to engage local families through process art in a way that I didn’t think would be possible in my first year of running Waymakers Kids. The funding has benefited local schools, nurseries, youth groups and parents through communal art, mark making, t-shirt design and sensory play. The support from the Royal Docks Team has meant I have developed skills for delivering public events. I am excited to partner with more of what Newham is doing for local residents, artists and small businesses”.
The Create Your Docks Round 2 Fund offered grants of up to £15,000 to local community groups and organisations to deliver projects that help to: activate areas around the Royal Docks; build ‘social capital’ by creating new relationships and bonds between different communities; and celebrate the Royal Docks rich heritage and history.
As ever, we’ve been inspired by the wealth of creativity and talent that exists within local communities here in the Royal Docks, and across wider Newham. Projects have helped to put the area’s incredible landscape, diversity and heritage centre stage.
To find out more about this year’s Create Your Docks, please visit here.