Art & Culture
Socks: The Art of Care and Repair
Focusing on the concept of sustainability in fashion and our lives more broadly, Socks: The Art Of Care And Repair will celebrate the everyday act of mending through darning. Central to the exhibition will be a vibrant, colourful installation of 488 socks, each stitched and darned by the Surrey Square Primary School community in Southwark using industry ‘warehouse’ waste socks. Children, staff and families of the school, learnt and practised their darning and stitching skills on socks, during a series of 26 workshops facilitated by Pym in early 2024.
For your visit
Art & Culture
Brick Lane Music Hall
This cheery oasis of Victorian nostalgia hosts unique Music Hall-style shows which attract visitors from all over the world.
Art & Culture
Making Space: The People’s Plan
Large-scale artwork reproducing ‘The People’s Plan for the Royal Docks,’ a 1980s community-led project to oppose the airport.
Food & Drink
Il Volo
Il Volo serves Italian comfort food that salutes the docks' history at the centre of world trade.