Regeneration news
Royal Docks Team launch Royal Docks Walking and Cycling Action Plan
As part of the rollout of the Royal Docks Design Guides, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Royal Docks Walking and Cycling Action Plan. The Action Plan sets out an approach for improving walking and cycling across the Royal Docks. It is intended to support the delivery of coherent, legible, and socially inclusive public spaces, creating a sustainable and healthy place to live and enjoy.
The Walking and Cycling Action Plan follows on from other essential documents that set out fundamental principles for future interventions and investment in the area's streets, routes and open spaces: The Royal Docks Public Realm Framework and the Royal Docks Design Guides.
The Enterprise Zone Programme Board endorsed the Public Realm Framework in March 2020. It identifies critical areas where intervention is needed to achieve a coherent public realm, including the creating of 'stitches', essential connections and interlinked public spaces across the area.
The Public Realm Design Guides identify the specific strategies and elements that users of the guide can employ to meet the Framework's objectives. The guides also articulate in more detail the families of components that are appropriate in specific locations and provide technical information and maintenance advice.
The Royal Docks continues on its journey to be transformed over the next few decades as a commercial and cultural hub of global significance and an exciting new waterfront. The approach set out in the Walking and Cycling Action Plan must adapt to this change over time, allowing for short term interim routes, and planning for future growth and extension.
The Action Plan is primarily for anyone thinking of commissioning or designing a project within the Royal Docks to improve existing or create new walking and cycling routes. The Action Plan will allow stakeholders, designers, and local authorities to understand the vision for the entire area and use the specific guidance within the report for different areas and conditions. Landowners may then deliver improvements.
The Walking and Cycling Action Plan forms the final part of the valuable Royal Docks Design Guide suite, which altogether provides a unified handbook for wayfinding, lighting and landscape, and guidelines for accessibility and inclusive design. They are a detailed toolbox for architects, developers, community groups and designers – or anyone who is creating design interventions in the public realm work across the Royal Docks. The Guides will ensure that new projects in the Royal Docks contribute to a public realm that is coherent, legible and socially inclusive – a group of distinct neighbourhoods united by subtle and beautiful elements of continuity.
Review and download the Cycling and Walking Action Plan Guide