Regeneration news
Greater London Authority calls for feedback on planning documents, including the draft Good Quality Homes for All Londoner’s guidance.
On 13th October 2020, the GLA launched a consultation on five new planning guidance documents that will support the London Plan, including the draft Good Quality Homes for All Londoner's guidance.
The draft Good Quality Homes for All Londoner's guidance is a suite of documents that provides guidance on ensuring land is used in the best way to deliver the right quantity of new housing, at the right quality, in the right place, embedding high-quality design at the centre of housing delivery. The draft guidance has been developed with a broad network of built environment professionals and stakeholders, including the Mayor's Design Advocates, young Londoners working with the Stephen Lawrence Trust, and borough officers through Urban Design London.
The GLA is now looking for feedback on the draft guidance documents and will be consulting on these documents through a series of consultation events and surveys which will run until 15th January 2021.
If you are interested in participating in any of the consultation events or responding to the consultation surveys, then please do have a look at the GLA's website for further information. Links to the consultation sites for the five new guidance documents are included below:
- Good Quality Homes for all Londoners – https://consult.london.gov.uk/good-quality-homes-for-all-londoners
- Public London Charter – https://consult.london.gov.uk/public-london-charter
- Circular Economy Statements – https://consult.london.gov.uk/circular-economy-statements
- Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessments – https://consult.london.gov.uk/whole-life-cycle-carbon-assessments
- 'Be Seen' Energy Monitoring Statements – https://consult.london.gov.uk/be-seen-energy-monitoring